We are a global community of civil society organisations working to uphold the human rights of LGBTI+ people across the Commonwealth.

We work to ensure the human rights of LGBTI+ people are protected and promoted in line with international human rights standards, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The foundations of peaceful, just and stable societies depend upon equality and respect for all. We are committed to ensuring the protection and promotion of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights for all, without discrimination on any grounds.
Alongside our advocacy, campaigning and grassroots organising, TCEN promotes understanding and goodwill between all the peoples of the Commonwealth.

– Advocating for the inclusion and full realisation of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights
– Empowering organisations, activists and communities to create greater awareness and understanding of the distinct and intersectional grounds of discrimination
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End criminalisation of LGBTI+ people by reviewing and repealing...
- laws that directly criminalise consensual same-sex intimacy and expressions of gender identity
- indirect laws used to harass, arbitrarily detain, persecute and discriminate against LGBTI+ people, such as vagrancy and impersonation laws
- indirect laws that criminalise LGBTI+ people in their intersectionalities, for example women through the criminalisation of abortion or consent laws on forced marriage that defer to customary laws.
Enshrine non-discrimination by...
- embedding anti-discrimination in constitutions through the inclusion of broad non-discrimination and/or the creation of specific protections on the basis of sex/gender, and/or creation of explicit protections on the grounds of SOGIESC
- introducing anti-discrimination in sector-specific regulations, such as through enshrining anti-discrimination in labour codes, employment acts, and housing policies
- ensuring LGBTI+ people have equal access to services in practice, such as enabling the legal recognition of transgender people to be achieved via simple administrative processes without abusive requirements.
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Safeguard freedoms, choice, and access to justice by...
- creating substantive hate crime laws to protect LGBTI+ people
- safeguarding freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and association, particularly for human rights defenders
- allowing LGBTI+ human rights organisations to register.
Ensure institutional affirmation for LGBTI+ people by...
- removing barriers to LGBTI+ people participating in public and political life, and actively re-integrating them into spaces where they have been excluded (e.g., covering costs of education materials, adopting affirmative action policies)
- providing or facilitating training for public officials, the private sector and the media on issues specific to LGBTI+ people
- recognising the unique needs of LGBTI+ people by tailoring services, such as in healthcare (including mental health) and by ensuring inclusive education (including sex education).
Chair – Joleen Mataele (Tonga Leitis Association, Tonga)
Vice-chair – Yvee Oduor (Gay and Lesbian Coalition of Kenya, Kenya)
Secretary – Dane Lewis (Caribbean Forum for Liberation and Acceptance of Genders and Sexualities, Jamaica)
Treasurer – Linda Baumann (Namibian Diverse Women Association, Namibia)
Regional Representative Africa – Skipper Mogapi (Rainbow Identity Association, Botswana)
Regional Representative Americas – Glenroy Murray (Jamaica Forum for Lesbians, All-Sexuals and Gays, Jamaica)
Regional Representative Asia – Shale Ahmed (Bandhu Social Welfare Society, Bangladesh)
Regional Representative Europe – Sneh Aurora (Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, UK)
Regional Representative Pacific – Phylesha Brown-Acton (FINE Pasifika, New Zealand)