
Stonewall was founded in 1989 by a small group of people who had been active in the struggle against Section 28 of the Local Government Act. We're here to let all lesbian, gay, bi and trans people, in the UK and abroad, know they're not alone. Stonewall believes we're stronger united, so we partner with organisations that help us create real change for the better. We have laid deep foundations across the globe and work actively across a range of rights. We work with employers to advance LGBTI+ communities rights in the workplace and to support employers to use their influence to create change. We focus on hate speech, influencing the UN and regional bodies and use our leverage to support funding of partners around the world. Through our Out of the Margins Network, we partner with LBT+ organisations in 21 countries to advance our rights under the SDGs. We serve as civil society Co-Chairs for the Equal Rights Coalition and are on the advisory council of the UN Partnership for Global LGBTI Equality working with major global corporations to be leaders in advancing LGBTI rights.
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